God’s power is within you:

-It is not to make you great and famous;
-it is not to make you a lot of money;
-not to build your business;

God’s power is for you:

-make God great;
-bring a lot of money to God;
-build churches
-build the Kingdom of God;


There are some thoughts that believers and unbelievers have that are wrong, because they think they are the greatest, that they are the center of the world.

Solution – I have to die for myself.

The nature of the “I” is:
– it is a virus that is in every person who is born into this world! But your “I” is no good;
-an evil force and is in the heart of people;
-the seed of the devil and which makes people not want self-satisfaction, love themselves or want to be flattered, applauded.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

For you to be successful and have an explosion of abundant life, you need to crucify the “I”.

When your “I” is big, God can not be big in you.

To die for yourself is to let Jesus have more of Him in your heart and less of yourself.

You have to throw that “I” away and fill your heart with God!

To be successful, remember that you are not the boss of God.


The power of God that is within you is no use to you!

To die for myself, I have to :

1st-know that you take nothing from here;
2nd – be baptized seriously – die to the “I” and the old life;
3rd – die to compliments and offenses;
4th – to sow for the love of Jesus;
5 – To be faithful to God in the place where I am;
6º-To have goals to serve God;
7º-Wanting the Kingdom of God to grow;


When he heard the preacher say that we needed to go to other nations, take bibles, set up radios and televisions, he was not indifferent and decided to “test” God. He sowed and as time went by he was able to give away 90% of the company’s profits and live on just 10%.

God wants to do the same with us today! God needs us to be great.

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