Religious and Charitable Centers in the World

There are approximately 9,000 Charity and Religious Centers located in more than 40 countries, with more than 17 thousand collaborators, spread around the world:

  • EUROPE – Germany, Belgium, Slovakia, Spain, Estonia, France, Holland, England, Luxembourg, Portugal, Russia Switzerland;
  • AFRICA – South Africa, Botswana, Cape Verde, Congo Brazzaville, Gabon, Guine Bissau, Equatorial Guinea Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sao Tome and Principe, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe;
  • AMERICA – Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, United States of America, Mexico, Paraguay, Turkey, Venezuela;
  • ASIA – China and United Arab Emirates;
  • OCEANIA – Australia.
  • OTHER COUNTRIES WITH ONLINE CHURCH ACCESS (33) – Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Austria, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Philippines, Greece, Guatemala, French Guiana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Madagascar, Morocco, Nigeria, Norway, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Senegal, Thailand, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay


The Maná Group periodically organizes and participates, and on pre-established dates, in major events at national and international level, such as:

Faith Convention
It is an annual event that takes place in Portugal at the Pavilion of the International Headquarters located in Quinta da Ribeirinha, Tojal, Loures.
In this event, thousands of people flock from all over the world to participate in the meetings and various initiatives that take place throughout the convention, such as: seminars, concerts, interactive and leisure activities.
In the past, the Convention of Faith was organized in other places, from which we highlight the Atlantic Pavilion and Campo Pequeno in Lisbon

Faith Convention 2013, Tojal (Portugal)

Faith Convention 2004, Atlantic Pavilion – Lisbon (Portugal)

Faith Convention 2004, Atlantic Pavilion – Lisbon (Portugal)

Faith Convention, Atlantic Pavilion – Lisbon (Portugal)

Faith Convention,  Tojal old installation (Portugal) 

Faith Convention 2013, Tojal (Portugal)

Faith Convention 2013, Tojal (Portugal)

Faith Convention 2004, Atlantic Pavilion – Lisbon (Portugal)

Faith Convention 2004, Atlantic Pavilion – Lisbon (Portugal)

Faith Convention, Campo pequeno – Lisbon (Portugal) 

Prayer Convention
This is a monthly initiative carried out by all the Maná Group Churches with the aim of spreading the gospel through the distribution of pamphlets, as well as praying in areas of community life.
In this event, thousands of people flock from all over the world to participate in the meetings and various initiatives that take place throughout the convention, such as: seminars, concerts, interactive and leisure activities.
In Portugal, the Campaign ends with a meeting of all the churches at the Pavilion of the International Headquarters located in Quinta da Ribeirinha, Tojal, Loures, for  a closing meeting.

Crusade of Miracles

These are events held at the various National Headquarters of the Maná Group in all the countries where it is represented.
These are meetings held by the main leaders of each nation and are evangelistic in nature.

Crusade of Miracles, Alto Maé (Mozambique) 

Crusade of Miracles, (Africa)

Crusade of Miracles, Oshakati (Namibia)

 Executive Club for Businessmen and Women

An event dedicated to all businessmen and women, which take place in several places where a Maná Group is located.  
In Portugal it is transmitted  via ManáSat (Online and live) to all the Churches of the Maná Group

Executive Club Meeting, Tojal (Portugal)

Executive Club Meeting, Tojal (Portugal)

New Year’s Eve

It is an event that celebrated the New Year’s Eve, having been held several times in 5 Star Hotels and transmitted through the Manasat channel to all the continentes where a Maná Group is located.

New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve

March for Jesus

It is an event that takes place in several countries, such as Brazil. 
The March brings together Evangelic churches of various denominations, which take thousands of people on the streets, to promote union of the same faith.  
Maná Church has been actively  participating, in this events for years in this partnership with other ministries.  

March for Jesus, São Paulo (Brazil)

Water Baptism

The Water Baptisms are events held in the Churches of the Maná Group, in all the countries where they located.  

Water Baptism, Tojal (Portugal)

Water Baptism, Tojal (Portugal)

 International Administration Headquarters 

The International  Administration Headquarters, is currently located in  Santo Antão do Tojal, municipality of  Loures, Portugal.

Department of the International Administration

The International Administration is made up of the following departments:

  • Legal
  • Financial Management of Charitable and Religious Centers
  • IT and Multimedia
  • ManáSat Platforms (Media)
  • Publisher and Graphic
  • Translations
  • Marketing and Design
  • Maná Bible School
  • S.O.S. Maná (Call center)
  • Civil Constructions Civil/Engineering
  • International Mission Centre

Installation of the first headquarters of the Maná Group 1990:

First International Administration, Loures – Lisbon, Portugal

With the growth of the Group, the demand for a bigger space was high. The headquarters moved then in 2004 to a new facility, located in Alvalade, Lisbon. being 

 Internacional Administration, Alvalade – Lisbon, Portugal

 Internacional Administration, Alvalade – Lisbon, Portugal

 Internacional Administration, Alvalade – Lisbon, Portugal

With the expansion of the Maná Group and also, the need to attends to its needs, new investments were made, expanding the infrastructure of the Headquarters of the International Administration.  
In 2011, the construction of the new headquarters began, in an area of 100.000 m².

Entrance of the current International Admin, Tojal (Portugal)

Entrance of the current International Admin, Tojal (Portugal)

 International Headquarters offices

IT Department

Entrance of the current International Admin, Tojal (Portugal)

Meeting and training room at the International Headquarters

Engineering and Architecture Department


The Main Pavilion has  capacity for 6,00 people (seated). 
Large events are held in this space  (Convention, Seminars, Campaigns, etc.).

International Headquarters’ Main Pavilion

Sports Complex and Leisure Spaces

The international Administration Headquarters is also composed of a Sport complex equipped with swimming pools, football and basketball fields, as well as green and recreational spaces for children to enjoy leisure time. 
This complex has free access and is open to the public.

Sports and Leisure Complex 

Sports and Leisure Complex 

Sports and Leisure Complex 

Sports and Leisure Complex 

 International Mission Center

The International Mission Center is currently located in  Santo Antão do Tojal, municipality Loures, Portugal.
It comprises of rooms prepared for studies, meeting and various practices, such as: music, multimedia e sermons.
It also has a state-of-the-art equipment and tools technical and spiritual training and qualification of missionaries, namely; musical instruments, video and audio editing stations, video cameras, books and E-books.

International Mission Center

International Mission Center

Children Playground

The International Mission Center is currently located in Santo Antão do Tojal, municipality of Loures, Portugal.
This space exists as a place where parents who work at the International Administration Headquarters can leave their children, under the care of specialized technicians in the field of education.
It is also used to receive children when large events are held in these facilities.

Infant Church during events

Recreation Area for Children

Recreation Area for Children

Recreation Area for Children

Restaurant and Cafes

In the International Administration Headquarters there are several catering spaces.
 At the “ Alternativa” Restaurant, more than 200 meals are served daily. During the major events that take place there, the Cafeteria spaces are open to the public: “ Café Bela Vista ” and “ Esplanada Royal ”.

 Belavista Café

 Alternativa Restaurant

 Belavista Café

 Alternativa Restaurant


The ample space where the headquarters of the International Administration is located allowed the creation of accommodation spaces, called “ Villa Monte Sião ” and “ Condomínio das Nações ”.
These locations were prepared to receive and accommodate employees and executives from all over the world, who visit these facilities periodically.
The design and construction of this infrastructure relied on the work of highly qualified professionals, such as engineers, architects, machine operators, civil builders, foremen, as well as the voluntary help of collaborators and missionaries.





National Headquarters

Main Headquarters (Outside Portugal):

  • South Africa (Rosettenville headquarters in Johannesburg)
  • Argentina (Buenos Aires Headquarters)
  • Brazil (Headquarters in Ribeirão Preto)
  • Cape Verde (Cape Verde Headquarters)
  • Chile (Los Andes headquarters)
  • France (Headquarters in Paris)
  • Holland (Headquarters Rotterdam)
  • England (London Headquarters)
  • Luxembourg (Headquarters of Howald)
  • Mozambique (Headquarters in Alto Maé)
  • Namibia (Headquarters in Windhoek)
  • Sao Tome and Principe (Headquarters of Sao Tome)

France (Headquarters in Paris)

Mozambique (Headquarters in Alto Maé)

Holland (Headquarters Rotterdam)

Luxembourg (Headquarters of Howald)

Namibia (Headquarters in Windhoek)

Academic education

Universities teach young people in specific subjects in different areas of knowledge such as Civil Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine, Law, etc. so that they can help companies advance technologically and financially. Thus, universities are an instrument that supports all commerce and industry in a nation.
Thinking in spiritual terms, and due to the size and expansion of Grupo Maná, the need arose to create 3-5 year courses equivalent to university courses.
For example, the course for missionaries, which has subjects on civil construction, electricity, music, radio, television, video editing, administrative matters, among others, with the aim of training future managers of a Church.
The formation of individuals is celebrated with a ceremony of Consecrations as well as a graduation ceremony from a university.

Bible School

Founded in 1989, Maná Biblical School includes contents that deal in depth with Biblical teachings.
Maná Bible School is aimed at all people who want to learn more about the Word of God (BIBLE), regardless of their religious belief.

Training Center

This Center is established in more than 40 countries, with the purpose of training deacons and presbyters, so that they can provide spiritual and charitable assistance, in the most diverse places, always with high moral and spiritual values.
The Training Center is added  online to the Manáglobal  Platform.

Ministerial Academy

Likewise, the Academy is aggregated  Online to the Manáglobal  Platform, which has an access space reserved for Bishops, Pastors and Preachers.
Through TV Academia, all worship ministers have access to studies and leadership lessons, online and live broadcast.

International Mission Center

The International Mission Center was created in 2009 with the objective of forming, teaching, training and disciplining young people.
Like large companies that invest in young people, the International Center started with a small number of missionaries, currently having around one hundred participants who work in various charitable and religious centers around the world.


A large investment is needed with regard to the training of missionaries, especially with regard to travel, transport fees,  accommodation, trainers, facilities for study and training places, as well as various equipment, namely computers, film cameras and musical instruments.

Formatura Escola Bíblica

Centro Internacional de Missões

Social and Charitable Services

The Maná Group, through the international Department of Social and Services através do Departamento Internacional de Serviço Social e Caritativo, exerce a sua atividade em vários continentes, nomeadamente, África, Europa Central e de Leste e Américas.
Através de vários projetos de ajuda humanitária, com o objetivo de melhorar as condições de vida e implementar a dignidade humana, têm sido alcançados vários povos de diferentes etnias, sempre com a profunda consciência e desejo de ajudar os mais necessitados.

Social Support

O Social support aims to help society as a whole:
It provides better professional opportunities to business men and women, through technical and spiritual instruction;
Develops activities in nursing homes, prisons, childcare centers and also, help the single mothers, among other things.
It provides free academic training courses in various areas, such as computing, internet and related equipment.

Charitable Aid

The Maná Group also offers help to the needy, in different places. At certain times and/or countries some programs have extra support.
In Africa, entire ships with containers of supplies and cargo planes have already been sent with the help of partners.


  • School insertion;
  • Literacy;
  • Vocational training and recreational activities in prisons;
  • Marriage counseling;
  • Family planning;
  • Distribution of essential goods;
  • Feminine hygiene;
  • Integration of young people;
  • Recruit, select and train young missionaries.

The reception center for minors in the province of Luanda Inac, receives food and non-perishable goods in the province of Cunene, the Department of Social Action, delivers food and non-perishable goods, to the reception centers in the city of Luanda (Angola). The high authorities of the province are grateful, cooperating with the Maná Group in whatever is necessary.

Social Work in Penitentiary

Food Distribution 

Donations distributed in maternity

Food Distribution Boat

Airplane for Food Distribution

Food Distribution 

New Frontiers: Church Online

The internet is today a powerful technological tool of immeasurable reach. Thinking about reaching more and more people around the world and using this technological resource, the Maná Group developed a great project called Online Church.

Through the Online Church people from any part of the world with internet access can attend church meetings, make prayer requests, request spiritual help, share their stories and interact with each other through an online chat. We have an online service delivery team that is always connected to interact with the public and provide the necessary help.

There is also a growing number of people contacting the Maná Group to request the opening of religious centers in cities and countries where we still do not have activities. Through the Online Church it is possible to respond to these numerous requests.

Although it is a recent project, the Online Church already has thousands of daily accesses from all continents.

To know more about this project click here:


Over the years, the Maná Group has established meetings and partnerships with various government entities.

For example, the Agreement between the Maná Group and the National Service of Prisons in Mozambique, which aims at the social reintegration of inmates scattered throughout Mozambique’s prisons. An agreement that aims to re-educate the inmate to return to society as a better citizen. In this agreement, the Maná Group created mechanisms to re-educate the inmates, occupying them with functional activities such as carpentry, metalwork, typography and other projects.

Another example is the meeting between the president of the Maná Group and the mayor of San Francisco (Córdoba – Argentina), which was held to document the intention of both parties to develop possible partnerships.

These and other partnerships make it possible to influence society with high moral values, thus cooperating with the development of a nation.

Agreement for the Social Reinsertion of Prisoners (Mozambique)

Meeting with the Mayor of San Francisco – Córdoba (Argentina)

Agreement for the Social Reinsertion of Prisoners (Mozambique)

Meeting with the Mayor of San Francisco – Córdoba (Argentina)


Radio Stations

The Grupo Maná has several radio stations in various parts of the world.
And it is present on many other radio stations with different programs, such as Vida FM Portugal.
Rádio Maná’s programs are thematic and Christian in nature, as well as informative.
They consist of conveying good news and messages of moral and spiritual values that can bring about a positive change in people’s lives.
Broadcasts are also online, through the Media Maná Platform.

Maná Radios around the world:

  • Radio na CVRT
  • Cape Verde Radio
  • Vida FM – Portugal
  • Radio Viva – São Tomé
  • Radio Viva – Brazil
  • Radio Maná Argentina Buenos Aires
  • Radio Siloé Maná Argentina – San Francisco
  • Radio FM Argentina – Morteros
  • Radio Viva FM Alto Mae
  • Nampula e Maxixe – Mozambique

Vida FM (Portugal)

Radio São Tomé

Vida FM (Brazil)

Radio São Tomé

 Tv Stations

The Grupo Maná owns several television channels and several partnerships for the transmission of programs produced in studios around the world.
The programming of the Manasat channels is evangelical Christian in inspiration and is aimed at the whole family.
Several technical teams specialized in Production, Pre-production, Cameras, Sound, Video Editors, etc. are involved.

  • Transmissions on TV Networks
  • TBN- Hispasat 1 C (Europe)
  • TBN – Astra 1 L (Europe)
  • TBN – Canal Plus – 307 (Europe)
  • TDT (Europe)
  • Redes Boas Novas (Brazil)
  • TV Lambari (Brazil)
  • Public Televsion (São Tomé)

The Manasat Channel transmits more than 26 Programs produced in the studios of the Maná Group and can be viewed at

TV Production Studios

So that all Video, Audio and Radio content can be produced, the Maná  Group has all the technology, equipment, material, installations and specialized technicians for this purpose.
Today in Portugal there are four video recording studios. All studios are equipped with the “Chroma” stage system where virtual sets are created.

Radio Studios, where radio programs are recorded and broadcast:

  • Radio Vida Fm – Portugal
  • Radio Viva – Brazil
  • Radio Maná – Argentina
  • Radio Viva – Chile

The Maná Group also owns Video, Audio and Radio studios around the world, in: Cape Verde, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, São Tomé, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, England, France, Holland, Slovakia, Brazil, Argentina, Canada.
With all these technological resources and the appropriate infrastructure, programs are produced with thematic content aimed at various audiences (children, youths, families, entrepreneurs, education, health, faith, etc.)

Recording Studio with “Chroma

Studio Manasat Brazil

Manasat Anniversary

Studio Equipment

Studio Manasat Brazil

Manasat Equipment

Film Production

  • Film
  • Music Concert DVDs
  • Music school
  • Kids DVDs

The Maná Group uses cinematographic technology to reach people all over the world through films and DVDs of concerts by Maná-Igreja Cristã.

Grupo Maná uses cinematographic technology to reach people all over the world through films and DVDs of concerts by Maná-Cristiana Church bands.

Some of the productions made by the Maná Group are the films:
“Fight for Life”, “The Mask”, “Meeting with Africa” and the biggest success “Parallel Worlds” with great image quality, recorded in Brazil and Angola.

DVDs are also made for the Music School, with lessons on playing music instruments and singing.

In a cheerful and fun way, the productions also reach the youngest. Periodically, the recording team meets at Manasat Brasil studios to record the Tric a Trac programs.
With over 10 children’s DVDs, the Tric a Trac Program is a huge hit with children. In “Galera Tric a Trac” biblical principles and moral values ​​are transmitted, which children will keep throughout their lives.


Supporting Organizations

Printing House

The Maná printing house is dedicated exclusively to printing the Maná Group materials: books, bibles, notebooks, leaflets, posters, calendar and manuals. Throughout its history, it has produced more than 102 million books and 20 million evangelization leaflets. The Gráfica works in an integrated way with the publishing company, Editora Publicações Maná, thus enabling the distribution and logistics of the various materials produced.

Pinting House Equipment

Pinting House Equipment

Pinting House Equipment

Pinting House Equipment

Publishing company

Kuriakos Editora, belonging to the Maná Group since 1984, operates through print and digital media with the brand Publicações Maná, which is printed in more than 200 titles distributed in:

  • Books
  • E-books
  • Bibles
  • CDs (musics and messages)
  • DVDs (music, films, children’s content, message, events, etc.)

The edited books are authored by Apostle Jorge Tadeu and Bishop Christel Tadeu and have editions translated into Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, German, Slovak and Russian.


Our product catalog at

Products Kuriakos Editora – In Portuguese

Kuriakos Editora Products

Kuriakos Editora Products

Kuriakos Editora Products

Civil Engineering and Architecture

The Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture is responsible for drawing up projects and carrying out major civil works for religious and charitable facilities and TV and Radio studios owned by the Maná Group.
This department is made up of different professionals: civil engineers, architects, master builders, bricklayers, electricians, painters, etc.
We also have the partnership of legally registered companies in various parts of the world that guarantee us specialized services in this area.
The installations’ projects are elaborated, taking into account the quality, comfort and innovation of the spaces, as well as the adaptation of the buildings to the contemporary needs and their users, following all the phases, from the conception to its construction and giving special emphasis on thermal and acoustic insulation and air quality.

Civil Engineering and Architecture

Material Management

Infrastructure Works, International Headquarters (Portugal)

Infrastructure Works, Tojal Pavillon (Portugal)


Infrastructure Works, International Headquarters (Portugal)

Infrastructure Works, International Headquarters (Portugal)

Technological Area

The Technological Area plays a key role within the Maná Group, being responsible for providing technical support to administrative, business and charitable activities. This area has a multidisciplinary team, made up of programmers, IT technicians, software engineers and web-designers.

The main activities carried out by the Technological Area at an international level are:

  • Creation and administration of sites owned by the Maná Group;
  • Development and Administration of the Manáglobal Online Platform.
  • Server administration;
  • Assistance and maintenance of computer equipment at administrative headquarters and at TV and Radio studios;
  • Implementation and management of streams for TV and Online Radios;
  • User support service;
  1. ManáGlobal

Manáglobal is an Online Platform with the aim of storing information, providing training material, studies and advice, of a strictly religious and confidential nature, worldwide. It is also a management tool used for budget maps, analysis of results, among others.
It is a free service provided by the various Maná-Igreja Cristã Churches around the world.
Access to this service is only allowed to ministers of worship, consecrated persons (Bishops, Pastors, Presbyter, Deacons, collaborators) of this association.

2. Website Management, Design and Marketing

The Websites, Design and Marketing Department develops and works with tools that help in the Institution’s Visual Communication process.

This Department develops several works:

  • Webdesign (Templates and layouts for websites)
  • Multimedia Content Management
  • Graphic Design (banners, posters, flyers, billboards, etc.)
  • Image treatment
  • Photographic register

Design and Creativity are complemented with Marketing and Publicity in order to implement the various strategies for a better dissemination of the image of Maná-Igreja Cristã.

Manáglobal Home Page

Ministerial Academy at Manáglobal

IT Equipment


From 1989 to the present day, the Maná Group has had 7 different planes, including the 2 planes it currently has.
The Maná Group owns an aviation company based in the United States. The company has highly qualified professionals in the field of aviation: two American pilots and a mechanic who work full time. The pilots are also evangelicals and serve God by leading the Maná-Igreja Cristã and Josaphat throughout Africa, Europe and the Americas.
With plane 1, the President of the Maná Group, Jorge Tadeu, and his team travel throughout Europe, Africa and the Americas to hold conventions, consecrations, and leadership training.
Aircraft 2 is used by the leadership of the Africa Administration.

The Group’s aircraft serve to:

  • Supervision Visits
  • Leadership Training
  • Conducting Campaigns and Conventions
  • Conduct Meetings for Business Men and Women

It also allows the Maná’s Group leadership to travel to places where commercial planes cannot go. Like, for example, several places in the interior of Africa, where the Maná Group has a very large growth, with many hundreds of churches and family groups.

Hawker 800XP

The Maná Group plane

The Maná Group plane

The Maná Group plane

The Maná Group plane

Hawker 800XP

Hawker 800XP

The Maná Group plane

The Maná Group plane

The Maná Group plane

The Maná Group plane

2. The Purposes of the Association/Foundation

Maná-Igreja Cristã is a non-profit foundation / association, and has three objectives:

  • B – SOCIAL

To spread the Gospel (Word of God), promote evangelistic campaigns, open new churches and implement Christianity.

To help local societies, with special programs for YOUNG PEOPLE, CHILDREN, ELDERLY PEOPLE and PRISONERS

Helping the most needy with food, clothing, housing and charity.

3. Model of Organizations

The organization of  Maná-Igreja Cristã is distinguished in:
a) Administrative organization b) Ecclesiastical organization.

a) THE ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION – unites the relationship with society, through the statutes of the association registered in the governmental bodies of each country.

b) THE ECCLESIASTICAL ORGANIZATION  – has to do with ecclesiastical hierarchies, only religious ones, and is directed by means of internal regulations. These Bylaws are the same for each nation.

4. The Administrative Organization

It unites the relationship with society, through the statutes of the association registered in the governmental bodies of each country.
Registration in each nation respects the rules in force in that nation, which may vary from the most effective in Portugal.
The administrative organization of Maná-Igreja Cristã is divided as follows:

  • International Headquarters of Maná-Igreja Cristã in Portugal
  • National Organizations of Maná-Igreja Cristã  in each Nation

The international headquarters of  Maná-Igreja Cristã, , as well as each National Maná-Igreja Cristã,

organization, are registered in each nation:

  • In the state bodies of the respective nation
  • Through statutes and internal rules


  • A – International Headquarters
  • B – National Delegations
  • C – Local offices, Churches, Special Groups, Social Centers and Humanitarian Aid

Each Maná Nacional is officially registered as a delegation of Portugal Maná, through legal instruments.
Through legal mechanisms, a spiritual, hierarchical and legal dependence is guaranteed, between the International Headquarters and Maná of each country.

B – NATIONAL DELEGATIONS – currently existing in the following countries:

  • Europe – Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, England, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Russia and Estonia;
  • Africa – South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Zambia, Congo Brazzaville, Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, Botwswana, Malawi, Kenya, Swaziland, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Democratic Republic of Congo;
  • America – Canada, United States of America, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Paraguay, Colombia and Venezuela;
  • Asia – China and United Arab Emirates.
  • Oceania – Australia.

All delegations must comply 100% with the instructions of the international administrative headquarters as far as all areas are concerned, ie administrative, financial, spiritual, also the work philosophy, orientation and methods.


All local offices, Churches, Special Groups, Social Centers for Humanitarian Aid are in compliance with the Internal Rules of Maná-Igreja Cristã and are submitted to the respective National Delegation.


INTERNATIONAL Directors – Church Management
INTERNATIONAL Directors – Media Management
INTERNATIONAL Directors – Bible School Management
INTERNATIONAL Directors – Publishing Management

NATIONAL LISTS – Europe, Africa, North America, Central America and South America.


Management is carried out in each nation, through the National Administration. Each National Administration reports weekly to International Headquarters.


Each Church has a Budget composed of:

  • Expected Financial Result, based on previous data
  • Fixed expenses
  • New projects (Approved)

Budget statements for each Church are VERIFIED WEEKLY by International Headquarters.

The budget maps of each Church, Nation by Nation, are submitted for approval in November of each year.


On a weekly basis, results from every Church, and every nation are analysed. Quarterly reviews are performed on NEW PROJECTS.


Organizes all legal aspects of contracts. Takes care of any disciplinary aspects.


It takes care of all the legal aspects of the Foundation, that is, the organization of the registration of the same in each nation.


  • Production of BOOKS
  • CD production
  • DVD production
  • Items for CHILDREN
  • Visits to HOSPITALS
  • Visits to PRISONS
  • Visits to CARE HOMES
  • Distribution of CLOTHES
  • Distribution of FOOD
  • Movies……… DVDs
  • Concerts…. CDs and DVDs
  • Children……. CDs and DVDs

5. The Ecclesiastical Organization

It has to do with ecclesiastical hierarchies, only religious ones, and is governed by internal regulations. These internal regulations are the same for every nation.


  • BISHOP – Grade 1-5
  • PASTOR – from grade 1 to 4

Note:  Each title corresponds to a degree of responsibility and requires corresponding skills.


  • ASIA


Concerts, Theatres, Dances, Musical Groups, Lectures on Prevention and Counseling against AIDS and Drugs, Camps, etc.


In person and through online and telephone assistance.


5.1 – Regarding Internal Regulations

Due to the religious nature of the Church, the Bylaws are different from the rules of the secular world.

Therefore, we have:

  • Very strict norms regarding moral behavior. The Bible teaches that in order to serve God it is necessary to meet certain conditions;
  • Norms for spiritual behavior.
  • Behavior norms related to authority and submission (hierarchies).

6. The Vision

The vision of the  Maná-Igreja Cristã,

is based on:
Mark 16:15 – “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature…”

1- Preach the Gospel
2 – Make disciples (followers of Jesus)

Our concept of vision is a task given to a group of people, which God brings together to carry out.

7. Church Department

7.1 Ushers

For the realization of any event, a support team that offers the necessary infrastructure is necessary. The same goes for holding a church meeting, given the numerous activities involved before, during and after each meeting.
The Usher Department is responsible for carrying out the organization and infrastructure activities for holding the meetings, from the opening and organization of the room to the closing of the church. This department has several employees who are trained weekly in the spiritual area and also in the treatment and care provided to church members. Practical training involves disciplines such as: personal presentation, posture, positioning and various assignments during meetings, receptivity, etc.

7.2 Praise Group

Throughout history, music has been widely used as an instrument to convey messages to society. Currently, songs have been used to convey messages that degrade moral and Christian values.
On the other hand, the church trains musicians and singers to produce music that brings moral and Christian values ​​to society. A church’s worship department is made up of several worship teams: musicians, singers, and sound technicians.
Worship groups participate during the Maná-Igreja Cristã meetings under the direction of the pastor or bishop. To raise the level of the group, all members of this department receive weekly training in both technical and spiritual areas.

7.3 Intercession

The intercession department is made up of several collaborators called intercessors. The members of this department have the role of bringing to God, in prayer, all matters pertaining to the church, its members and all those who, in some way, come into contact with the church to make their prayer request.

7.4 Retention

The Retention Department is responsible for conducting Bible courses and following up on new church members. This department includes teachers of the various Bible courses and counselors. Biblical courses are held monthly to teach Christian values ​​and the rudiments of the gospel. Classes are held once a week and have their own didactic material to facilitate the assimilation of transmitted content.
An important activity involved in accompanying new members is pastoral consultations. These consultations work as a free service to help all people who wish to have their case accompanied by the pastor.

7.5 Family Groups

The Family Groups Department is responsible for coordinating Family Group meetings and training new leaders. Family Groups are meetings with the purpose of teaching Christian values ​​and the basics of the Gospel.
These meetings are weekly and held in homes, offered voluntarily by church members. In addition to residences, there are members who obtain authorization for the operation of family groups within universities and in their workplaces, such as offices, for example.
Family Group meetings are conducted by a Family Group leader who is a trained person with an ecclesiastical title of at least a deacon.

Family Group Meeting

7.6 Businessmen and Women

The Businessmen and women department was created with the aim of supporting and instructing businessmen and women in the Technical and Spiritual areas.
Promotes events such as dinners, cocktails, workshops, seminars and meetings, such as the Executive Club Meeting.
In these meetings, technical themes of Management, Administration, Leadership, among others, are addressed. And also spiritual themes that encourage businessmen and women and entrepreneurs to obtain success and prosperity in their businesses.
The aim is for Businessmen and women to become increasingly influential in their nation, cooperating for local social and economic development, either through investments and opportunities, as well as through relationships at the government level.

Executive Club Meeting, Lisbon – Portugal

Businessmen and Women Dinner, Mozambique

Businessmen and women Meeting, Ribeirão Preto – Brazil

Executive Club Meeting, Lisbon – Portugal

Businessmen and women Workshop, Lisbon – Portugal

7.7 Youth

The Youth are the future of a nation, organization and also a church. With that in mind, Maná-Igreja Cristã created the International Youth Department (DIJ) which is responsible for carrying out various activities to reach young people of all ages: Concerts, Theaters, Dances, Musical groups, Prevention Seminars / Counseling on AIDS, Drugs, etc.
The group of young people usually meets on Saturdays with the intention of taking the word of God in a modern and dynamic way with a language aimed at young people. The meetings have different formats: weekly meetings, picnics, afternoons dedicated to various games, movies, walks along the beach, etc.
A project called DOM Sobre DOM was developed, which is a Christian Cultural and Artistic Space for the performing arts with a café/bar service. In this space, the program DOM SOBRE DOM is broadcast, which is shown Live through the Manasat Channel. During the program people show their talents and artistic gifts in a fun and interactive way.
Once a year, the international youth camp and youth convention are also held.

International Youth Department

International Youth Department

Biography of President and Founderr

Jorge Tadeu, President and Founder of Grupo Maná, was born in Nampula, Mozambique. He took a Civil Engineering course, and specialized in bridges and special structures. One of the bridges he made is printed on South Africa’s largest banknote of 200 Rand.
He converted to Jesus at the “Apostolic Faith Mission” in Johannesburg (South Africa). He responded to God’s call, coming to Portugal, where he worked for about 2 years in a civil construction company.
He came to Portugal to start the church from scratch and founded the Maná-Igreja Cristã  in September 1984, with a Family Group in his home.
The Maná-Igreja Cristã was founded by the then Engº. Jorge Tadeu and did not suddenly grow. People came to vent their problems and afflictions, and they were advised to read the Bible and have faith in God.
Later, it began to hold meetings on Sundays, in an amphitheater of a Business Center, and with the influx of people, there was a need to transfer to a larger amphitheater, in a Hotel, and then to another, even larger amphitheater, this time at FIL (Lisbon International Fair), until it settled in its first own building, located at Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro – Praça de Espanha in Lisbon, Portugal.
So Maná-Igreja Cristã opened another church, this time in Alvalade – Rua João Saraiva nº30 in Lisbon, Portugal. With an auditorium for 2,000 people.
The first installations in Praça de Espanha (5 km from Alvalade) are still in place, and Alvalade reached more than 10,000 people a week, before opening more churches on the outskirts of Lisbon.
 Maná-Igreja Cristã

has been growing over the years. From then on, great men of God, from all over the world, began to treat the then Pastor Jorge Tadeu as an Apostle. Gradually, people began to treat him as an Apostle, as they recognized in him the gift and the respective Biblical “fruits”.
He was a pioneer in recording meetings on cassette tape and VHS, which traveled the world and gave rise to many healed and transformed people.
Today, he is considered the Apostle of the Faith, worldwide, and is frequently invited by other ministries to participate in Conventions, Seminars, and Special Evangelical Events in all parts of the world.
He is the author of many books such as “Origin of Problems”, “Divine Healing”, “Converted to Disciple”, “Evangelization” and many others. He is also the author of several CDs with preaching messages and music, as well as several DVDs.
Many people were transformed and healed by reading the Apostle’s books, and also by listening to his CDs.

It has Radio and Television programs all over the world, in the ManaSat studios, in order to reach the people who are lost in the world, and also to feed the hearts of the people of the Maná-Igreja Cristã.
With the plane of the Maná-Igreja Cristã,  Apostle Jorge Tadeu travels frequently throughout the world to hold crusades, seminars, conventions, consecrations, etc., in the various countries where Maná has established churches.
The Apostle Jorge Tadeu is loved and respected by all the people of the Maná-Igreja Cristã.

 He is an exemplary leader who goes to all parts of the world to win new countries and new peoples for Jesus Christ.
Apostle Jorge Tadeu’s obedience and faithfulness changed the lives of thousands of people around the world, bringing thousands of people to Jesus Christ.

“This man is a giant in Portuguese-speaking nations around the world. His mission is to open churches, as well as the training and development of highly qualified church leaders.

His non-holiday schedule takes him around the world on a regular basis, helping every church that really wants to experience church growth and world evangelism.”

John Avanzini

Apostle Jorge Tadeu in Africa

Apostle Jorge Tadeu and his wife in the distribution of tons of food in Africa

Apostolo Jorge Tadeu with Phil Pringle at the Faith Convention in Portugal

Apostle Jorge Tadeu and Charles Nieman at a Seminar for Businessmen and women

Apostle Jorge Tadeu at the 1994 Faith Convention with Marilyn Hickey

Apostle Jorge Tadeu at the beginning of Maná-Christian Church

Apostle Jorge Tadeu and Bishop Christel Tadeu on a missionary visit to Namibia

Apostle Jorge Tadeu on a missionary visit

Apostle Jorge Tadeu studying on the Josafat 1 plane during a Missionary trip

Apostle Jorge Tadeu and Bishop Christel with the leadership of Argentina and team on a missionary trip to the Americas

Apostle Jorge Tadeu and Bishop Christel Tadeu at baptisms in Angola

Apostle Jorge Tadeu with the President of Lesea Steve Sumrall (partnership for transportation and food donation)

Apostle Jorge Tadeu and Dr. Roy Hicks at Faith Convention in Portugal

Apostle Jorge Tadeu with Dr. Lester Sumrall

Apostle Jorge Tadeu in the “Bubble”

Apostle Jorge Tadeu in Angola

Apostle Jorge Tadeu and Bishop Christel Tadeu on a missionary visit

Apostle Jorge Tadeu and Bishop Christel Tadeu on a missionary visit

Apostle Jorge Tadeu on arrival in Oshakati

Apostle Jorge Tadeu and Bishop Christel arriving in Africa on a missionary trip

National Headquarters

1. Main Headquarters (Outside Portugal):

  • England (Church of London)
  • Hollands (Church of Rotterdam)
  • France (Church of Paris)
  • Luxembourg (Howald Church)
  • Mozambique (Church of Alto Maé)
  • Namibia (Windhoek Church)
  • São Tomé and Príncipe (Church of São Tomé)
  • Cape Verde (Church of Cape Verde)
  • South Africa (Rosettenville Church in Johannesburg)
  • Argentina (Buenos Aires Church)
  • Chile (Church of Los Andes)
  • Brazil (Church of Ribeirão Preto)

France (Church of Paris)

Mozambique (Church of Alto Maé)


Holland (Church of Rotterdam)

Luxembourg (Howald Church)

Namibia (Windhoek Church)