The Talent Festival was born at the beginning of 2016, with the aim of having a space within the International Youth department, where Young People could develop their talents, and in this way, also motivate them and at the same time boost churches and regions.

It has also been a form of retention for young people, as this project really encourages them, covering all types of talents, from all the pre-production that is done to the final product, such as acting, scriptwriting, singing, playing, composing music, editing, filming, sound design, etc…

It currently has 6 categories:

– Cinema (Short films).
– Bands (Live performance),
– Videoclips (New Songs or from Kuriakos Music),
– Advertising (Spot advertising or graphic design),
– Documentaries (Travel, social issues, testimonies,..),
– Arts, is the most comprehensive, where all types of talents can be included (Dance, theater, Spokenword, Miming, Poetry, Stand-up, cooking, motivational video,…)

It also creates a great team spirit and planning among all participants, and the church or region itself.

Review all the moments of the Talent Festival and the respective participations.

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