CF23 - meals

We are at the doors of the Faith Convention 2023, taking place from the  14th to the 19th of August  in the Quinta da Ribeirinha, in Tojal.

For this, we have prepared a Meal Pack, with the following purpose Objective:   

– To help all people to enjoy the Convention of Faith, without having to worry about food
     – To minimize food costs, during the total duration of the event

The CF’23 MEALS are aimed at the general public, whether they are staying in Tojal or outside the enclosure.

Despite the increase in food prices, we managed to make a food pack for just €10 more (including fruit and drink)


The complete meal packs, contains 10 meals.
from Monday dinner (August 14th) to Saturday lunch (August 19th).

– Main dish (lunuch and dinner)
– Fruit
– Drinks

– Breakfast
– Bread

Registering for the Meal Packs must be made by :
August14 (until 3 pm)

Meal Pack value: 45€


ATENTION: It is not permitted to repeat.


On site we will also have ALTERNATIVE MENUS.

These menus are NOT included in the meal pack.

The values ​​defined by the Events company are the following:

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