I would like to tell you about my testimony in my financial life. A while ago I was distressed because I had a very large debt that I did not know how to pay. I decided to sow in the house of God and fill my heart with faith. While waiting I praised God and thanked Him for the miracle. I don't know how God did it, but the debt dried up. I no longer had to pay anything and today I am financially free. Glory be to God
Rita Costa
A few months ago I only had 5€ in my wallet that would give at least a carton of milk for my son. I was on my way to a place, but a person got off the train and asked me for some coins to eat. But I told him to wait a bit, and in a moment I spoke to God to know if I should give him the note instead of the coins. God said to give him the note. And I said I trust you and I know you will use someone to provide the food for my baby . The next day they came to my house to deliver two bags of milk for my son . How faithful God is
Ana Paula
When the pandemic started, I heard rumors of downsizing and layoffs at my job. I continued to sow and honor God with my tithes, believing that God blesses the work of my hands. Today I received the news that I WILL NOT BE Fired but will still be INCREASED in the coming days. Practice God's law because it works!
Viviana Gaitán
They told us at work that they were going to reduce salaries and only pay according to what came into the company. I did not accept these words and decided to fill myself with the Promises of God about finances. I listened to the "laws of prosperity" audios, read the book "about finances" and "redeemed from the curse" and also continued to sow... This week I received my salary and apart from receiving the full amount, I still received more extras. Keep holding on to God's promises!
Agustina López
When the quarantine started, my husband and I stopped working. My husband's boss called him and told him that they were in a difficult situation and that they could not pay him his full salary, they were only going to give him half the amount he normally received or not even that... I also only worked half the month and so I was going to receive half the salary as well. My husband said that we would not stop sowing... we would continue sowing because God would supply our needs and so we did... At the end of the month, when we went to the bank, we found in the account the total amount of my husband's salary and the total amount of my salary as if I had worked all month. God is faithful when we fulfill his Word.
Belén Herrera
My husband became unemployed and so we had less money coming into the house. But we always continued to sow and give our tithes, believing in God and practicing the Word. In the midst of all this, we decided to open a bakery and pastry business... We have been selling like never before, we do not lack anything and we always have a full pantry. Trust in God because He never fails!
Cintia Antonicelli
With this quarantine, the devil began to put doubts in our minds and I decided to continue sowing to reap. We have a family micro-enterprise selling clothes and what we have seen is that sales have tripled in this time. Apart from the financial blessing, my family has also become more united, seeing all that God is giving us. In times of need, we will live in times of plenty.
My husband and I were looking for a house to rent. I sought God's direction and asked for His will to be done and we sowed into the project. We went to see a house and we liked it very much. When I went to the ATM to withdraw the money to give to the landlord as a down payment, I noticed that there was more money in the account than I had before...also in my purse there was more money than I had counted the day before, to add to the one I raised... I realized that God was showing me that this was really his will for my family but it didn't stop there... When I went to pay the down payment, the owner told us that we didn't have to pay electricity or the rent until June. It was many blessings together... We found a house in the place we wanted and close to the church.
Sheila Warner
In this time, I see that many are going through difficult times but in my family we trust God and continue to give our tithes and offerings. In the middle of the pandemic, God opened a door for me to a new business. The sales do not stop and I have no hands to measure. My husband continues to be very busy and has never stopped working! God is transferring wealth!

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