"Today at my work my 90 year old client accepted Jesus after seeing a part of the movie of Jesus and Nicodemus. To the honor and glory of Jesus Christ."
"Men of the secret entered the first meeting of the reopening of the church after confinement, in the province of Moxico. They attended the meeting from beginning to end. At the end they gave their lives to Jesus and left the church rejoicing for the touch of God."
"A friend of mine in this time of isolation gave her life to Jesus."
"In the church of Castelo de Paiva, we have a 13-year-old girl, daughter of separated parents. Her mother is a believer, and whenever she was with her mother, she came to church and learned the Word. She said that she would like her father to go to church too, with his wife. For 2 years she didn't see anything, but she kept praying and had faith that it would happen. Until she started going to the family group and all the meetings, regardless of whether she was with her mother or father. After 2 years, the family gave their lives to Jesus, and they all attend church. God is very good."
"A young man who was a believer and knew God moved away from the church and the word because of a girlfriend who was not a believer to whom he left his country and came alone to Portugal the relationship went very badly the young man was assaulted by the same until he could no longer stand it and separated and without anyone in Portugal only even his boss only thought about killing himself one day. he was determined to put an end to life passed in front of the church saw the number called for help went to a counseling and began to attend church and be faithful in the church and was listening to the word of God after 15 days of being in the church his boss gave him a house for him to live all furnished with appliances and everything to pay a super low rent. The young man today has a family group in his house and has returned to the joy of living and has a huge desire to serve God."
"I am a pastor of the church of Jesus Mary - Argentina. On Friday we received a lady for the first time in the church. She told us that she started watching the meetings on TV during the pandemic and said she had a real encounter with God. She was a person who lived very badly, especially in the financial area, but while watching on television, she made the decision to start honoring God and practicing what she heard. From that time, she said she started receiving help from various people and was blessed like never before and saw that it could only be God. On Friday she went to church, received Jesus and went to thank God for all that God had done in her life as she said she was tired of living and now she was happy to have found it."
"I have a niece who is here in Portugal, I sent her the website of our Online Church of Dafundo, in a meeting of Lutar até vencer, she attended, liked it, prayed the prayer of salvation, and told me when I go to Cacém to buy her a Bible. All for the honor and glory of God."
"A young man entered the church in Saurimo PROVINCE of Lunda Sul, without invitation and at the end he gave his life to Jesus. He also said that he had asked God for help because he wanted to change his life and ended up in the church and didn't even know how. He also said that he wanted to serve God in our church. God is very good."
"I have a cousin who came to live with me, and he never wanted to know about the church. We couldn't even talk because he wouldn't accept it. Now he has been living with me for a month. And I see basta believe every day since it started, and today for the honor and glory of the Lord JESUS, he is the one who tells me to open the TV, because he has a respect for the apostle. says he had never seen a man speak like the apostle."
"I am a family group leader, and I was a little discouraged because I was not having salvations and I am young and I did not have young people in the family group and I was sad about it, until in a meeting I heard my pastor say to make purposes with God, and I from that meeting every day in my PDC I asked God to use me to evangelize and I refused to spend a day without talking about Jesus to someone and I put in my heart the desire to win more young people for Jesus. And with that every day I spoke of Jesus, people and young people came to me to talk about their problems and to vent and I gave them the word of salvation and when I realized my family group was always full with presences and with salvations for the honor and glory of JESUS."
"She and her family have been part of the Manna Church for 3 weeks now. They have a family group at home. Recently, following the guidance of their Pastors and Leaders, they purchased some Books of the Apostle. Whenever she can she follows the program, even at work she and her friend always listen. They have been feeding themselves daily with the Word and have already noticed, in this first month, a huge change in their spiritual, financial and family life. The Lord has been their priority. Give Him all the honor and glory."
"He is a 19-year-old young man who at the beginning of the year was left without a place to live due to family problems. A sister from the church gave him a house and food and brought him to the church where he gave his life to Jesus. He suffered from epileptic seizures every week and could not find work. He was accompanied in Pastoral Consultations, always faithful to the GF and to the meetings of Lutar até Vencer and Encontro com Deus. Today he has a job and since he gave his life to Jesus he has never had an epileptic seizure."
"I am from the church of São Paulo in Angola, my friend was going through a process of separation from her parents, she asked me to pray and I did, but I also advised her to read the book Origin of problems and to see the programs Praise and Worship and Just believe. I made a prayer request to SOS on Saturday. And on Sunday after the meeting my friend called me to say that, her parents would no longer be separated and started going to church and watching the programs. All glory and honor to God"
"I am happy because my sister has reconciled with God. She decided to start attending the church in Guarda. And today she took the test and she is a baby! So much joy together!!! It fills the heart to see a life restored! God is wonderful! High refuge! Joy of the whole earth!"
"On Friday I invited a person to come to church with me. At the end of the meeting he said the Salvation prayer. At that moment he had 2 lumps: one on his chest and one on his back. On Sunday we went to church again and at the time of ministering he went to the altar to ask for prayer and Bishop Miguel prayed for him and he received his healing. We went for lunch and that is when he noticed that the lumps were gone, to the glory of God. And today he went for a job interview and tomorrow he will start working with room to live. It is a privilege to take care of the New converts who are God's greatest wealth."
"When she received Jesus she had a life that in the eyes of the world had no way out, she was using drugs, drinking. But someone told her about Jesus and she followed, she received Jesus. Today she is able to help those people who said she had no future, today they come to her and know that if she prays things will happen."
"She walked on bad paths, got involved in failed relationships, did not want to study, was on drugs and left home, her financial life was failed. He met Jesus through his family, since he met Jesus he feels better, he feels happy and follows his life as it should be!"
"She was a Muslim, she believed in Mohammed, until she was told about Jesus. She was offered a bible and she read it and made comparisons and began to know God through the bible She was a very enslaved person, suffered violence, tried suicide twice. But Jesus freed her and she believes that Jesus is really the way, the truth and the life."
"Before receiving Jesus he was on the path of drugs, spending all his money on his addictions Until one day his friend invited him to a Cape Verdean party, when he entered he realized that it was a church. During the praise the Holy Spirit convinced him and he received Jesus as Lord and Savior, was freed and now already serves God, his family is now united."
"Her family was involved with the occult, she desired death, her life was horrible, she had many eating disorders. Until a friend told her about Jesus and gave her the church website, that night she attended the Fight to Win meeting and she wished she had this Jesus that night she slept well, her life from that night on was never the same!"
"I was on bad roads, drugs and alcohol. One day a colleague told her about Jesus and once she decided to go to church and accepted Jesus as her savior. When she was about to start her courses, she went off the rails again and fell into the devil's trap. But one night he felt sick and contacted the pastor again and decided to go back to church, he was freed from addictions, today he serves God and is building his family ".

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