The third day of the Angola Faith Convention 2018 began with rejoicing to the LORD, praising Him!
After the praise to God we had two special moments, the Ti Xico Theatre and the Dance God is good – Youth Art.
Then the bands Os salmistas, Da Souldjazz and Banda Êxodos brightened this third day of the Convention.
Soon after the special themes, Team Kuriakos filled the temple with their energy and songs known to all.
Apostle Jorge Tadeu joined Team Kuriakos and everyone celebrated to the sound of the Team’s songs. Apostle Jorge Tadeu, led the people into the presence of God.
In the end, the people came to receive God’s anointing for their lives because, “Those who trust in the LORD will be like the mountain of Zion, which does not shake but endures forever.”
On this day we celebrated the greatest miracle of all, the miracle of salvation for hundreds of people who came to receive Jesus.
This is how we ended the third day of the Angola Faith Convention 2018.
Crusade – Sunday 02 Dec18 – 09H00
Address: Avenida Pedro de Castro Vandunem ‘Loy’ Next to ANGOMART Supermarket